New York, NY 10024
A full-service Wellness Center, based on vitalistic healing principles, serving the Upper West Side community.
David is a passionate and dynamic physical therapist who truly embodies and believes in the art of movement. He believes in a holistic approach to treatment addressing the body as a whole unit in attempting to search for the cause of dysfunction rather than the symptom. He does not follow the classic "cookie cutter" approach to treatment but rather uses cutting edge assessment and treatment techniques to address each individuals' goals. David partnered with Living Well Balanced because of the shared identity when it comes to addressing patients goals. Living Well Balanced Physical Therapy and Chiropractic was founded in September 2004 by Ankur Prakash, DC. Starting in 2019, a partnership with David Levkovich, DPT expanded our treatment options to include physical therapy.
Located in the Upper West Side of Manhattan, the leading health professionals at Living Well Balanced are dedicated to helping you experience better health through better living. Combining our skills & expertise, using the latest in physical therapy and chiropractic techniques and through our revolutionary concepts of putting the "health" back in healthcare, our office is committed to providing you affordable, advanced wellness care strategies that get results.
If you are suffering from chronic back pain and neck pain, chronic diseases, headaches and migraines, allergies, repetitive stress injuries, poor posture, or limited flexibility, you will find our total-body approach more effective than anything you've ever tried before. At Living Well Balanced, we go beyond masking and treating symptoms and address the underlying cause of your health concerns. We are a full-service, one-stop-shop, health and wellness center that emphasizes your body's innate capacity to heal, and with our growing healthcare team, hope to inspire you on how to improve your health through natural lifestyle choices.
In addition to physical therapy, and chiropractic care, we also offer other wellness services including, therapeutic massage, personal training (both private and semi-private), nutritional counseling and therapy and therapeutic yoga (both private and semi-private).
To note, we have found that the best results take place when our financial relationship is with you, the patient, not with any third party payers and insurance companies. Having a relationship with you, and not someone over the phone or reviewing a claim form, allows us to create a customized wellness plan in order to move you beyond symptoms, and into vibrant health.
Massage therapy
Physical therapy
Services in categories | Time | Price |
Physical therapyin Health and Fitness > Physical therapist |
1 hr | $150.00 |
Chiropractic carein Health and Fitness > Physical therapist |
1 hr | $300.00 |
Chiropractic care for back painin Health and Fitness > Physical therapist |
1 hr | $300.00 |
Chiropractic treatment for chronic headachesin Health and Fitness > Physical therapist |
1 hr | $300.00 |
Massage therapy ( single)in Health and Fitness > Physical therapist |
1 hr | $125.00 |
Personal trainingin Health and Fitness > Physical therapist |
1 hr | $125.00 |
Rock steady boxingin Health and Fitness > Physical therapist |
1 hr | $35.00 |
Nutritionin Health and Fitness > Physical therapist |
672 hr | $375.00 |
Essential oilsin Health and Fitness > Physical therapist |
1 hr | $35.00 |
Stretchingin Health and Fitness > Physical therapist |
1 hr | $125.00 |
Yogain Health and Fitness > Physical therapist |
2 hr | $150.00 |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
9:00 am - 6:00 pm | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm |
Monday | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm |
Tuesday | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm |
Wednesday | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm |
Thursday | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm |
Friday | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm |
Saturday | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm |
Sunday | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm |
Estimated price
per hour
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Profile views: 289
Member since: Nov 04, 2019
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